In pharmacy, let's think environment!
BIOPOQ was born from the principle that a small change can have a big impact on the environment.
Taking inspiration from cardboard bread fasteners that are increasingly replacing plastic fasteners, we decided to do the same for medication containers in pharmacies.
This is how our innovative products were born, which are made of biodegradable cellulose.
Our medication packaging is good for the environment, ask your pharmacist!
Our team is made up of passionate people, eager to change the world in their own way. They all share a well-defined vision and values that resonate deeply with them. They are guided by undeniable know-how and proven skills.
As a manufacturer of biodegradable medical packaging, BIOPOQ’s mission is to promote a sustainable healthy environment by supplying pharmacies with innovative biodegradable medicine packaging.
BIOPOQ’s vision is to ban plastic from packaging distributed to patients in pharmacies, which will help reduce greenhouse gases and use less non-renewable fossil fuels.
Eco-responsibility is much more than a value that translates into an optimized respect for nature and the environment. It is also a mentality, a way of being and doing.
Innovation is a state of mind based on a desire for continuous improvement. It is a constant search for excellence that constantly adapts to new realities, new contexts.
Trust is the basis of the quality of exchanges between human beings, whether they are collaborators in a team, an organization or a company. It also brings a sense of security.
Simplicity is a source of serenity. It reassures, secures, empowers and contributes to the initiative, regardless of the complexity of the systems. But even more, simplicity makes it possible to be effective on a daily basis!